
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Five Quick Wedding Tips from Laura Hooper of Laura Hooper Calligraphy

Photo credit:  Steve Steinhardt
Today's Five Quick Wedding Tips come from Laura Hooper-Leader of Laura Hooper Calligraphy. Laura does calligraphy for events, wedding invitations, custom logos and monograms. We also love her hand-drawn maps to help your guests see where your wedding and wedding-related events are taking place! Also check out Laura's Lucky Orchid Wedding Blog, which features more of her work.

Here are Laura's tips!

1. Do your best to not let anything ruin your day. You only get one wedding day, and at the end of the day, regardless of what happens, you will be marrying your spouse, so don't let minor details bog you down.
2. Hire a planner. Plain and simple you do not want to be dealing with vendors and guests and gifts and decisions. If hiring a planner is not in your budget, be sure you assign someone extremely dependable to be the "point person" for the day. But when at all possible, a professional wedding planner is best.
3. Plan in advance. Although many details need to be finalized in the last week or two leading up to your wedding, it is nice to get the bulk of the work out of the way so that you can enjoy the final weeks. Plus, stress isn't good for your health or skin!
4. Slightly less significant, but you may thank yourself later when looking at ceremony pics...decide if the groomsmen should all have their hands in their pockets, behind their backs, or clasped in front of themselves. Having a cohesive looks is much nicer and photographs well!
5. Smile, breathe, take it all in. The number one "retrospective" comment from brides is that it went too fast and was all a blur. Stop and take a minute during your reception to look around and see all of the people there supporting you and your new marriage.

Thanks for those great tips, Laura!
If you would like to be featured in our Five Quick Tips feature, please email us at info at amynichols dot com.

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