
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Five Quick Wedding Planning Tips from Bridal Writer & Author, Elena Donovan Mauer

Elena Donovan Mauer is a freelance writer of Bridal Guide and is also the co-author of Planning Your Wedding Sucks: What to do when place cards, plus ones and paying two grand for a cake make you miserable.

Here are Elena's Five Quick Tips for your wedding:

1. Have fun with the ceremony. Saying “I do” is the whole reason for all the hoopla, right? So really think about what’s going to make it meaningful for you two, whether it means writing your own vows, incorporating a family tradition or having it somewhere sentimental (in front of the tree you climbed as a kid!). Your relationship is totally unique, so your ceremony shouldn’t be cookie-cutter, unless tradition is what’s important to you. Hey, even if you don’t have a
budget for a big, formal reception at an art museum, you can probably afford to do what you want for the ceremony. And that’s what means the most.

2. Accept help. Too many brides stress themselves out because they’re trying to do it all themselves. I know you want to have your hands in everything, but seriously, say “yes” if someone offers to do something – even if it’s something small, like taking the invitations to the post office. There are a ton of small tasks that really add up, and doing a few less will help preserve your sanity.

3. On a budget? Focus on food and drink. Sure, guests might ooh and aah over those rare orchids in the centerpieces and they’ll probably appreciate those designer candle favors. But if they’re not there, they won’t miss them. Guests really want two things from a wedding: A) To watch you get married, and B) To have fun at your reception. Delicious food and a great glass of wine? What’s not fun about that?

4. Laugh – a lot. No matter how well you plan, there are plenty of
things you can’t control: Your future mother-in-law might badmouth your ideas, your sister might shorten her knee length dress so it comes to her upper thigh, the baker might promise you Devil’s Food and you might end up with peanut butter cake (and yup, you’re allergic).
Being able to laugh about all those imperfect things will help you
focus on what’s really important.

5. Don’t drink too much at the wedding! You’ll be surrounded by all your favorite people in the world – you’ll have fun even if you don’t have a sip of champagne. I’m not saying don’t enjoy some wine, I’m
saying you don’t want to look bleary-eyed in your photos or find yourself saying something you shouldn’t. You also want to have the energy for some romantic time with your groom instead of passing out early in your hotel room!

We asked Elena a few questions about her own wedding...

What was your favorite thing about your wedding?
That we had the best of both worlds! Because my husband was getting sent overseas on short notice by the military, we got hitched at City Hall before he left. When he got back, we had the traditional ceremony and big formal reception. I love that we got to share a sweet day with only our closest friends and family and also a big bash with whole crew.

If you could change one thing about your wedding, what would it be?
I’d have it in June! I’d always imagine a warm-weather wedding, but the first wedding was on the coldest day of the year in New York and the second was in Pittsburgh in November. Brr!

Thanks, Elena, for these wonderful tips!

If you would like to be featured in our Five Quick Tips feature, please email us at info at amynichols dot com.

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